How to get your kids to enjoy a nice book…
If your child/children are anything like mine then well it takes an orchestra to keep their attention on one thing for more than five minutes. Here are some tips I’ve come up with to encourage young readers and their parents to keep up with reading goals and literacy.
Remember that reading should not be used as a punishment and should be a daily or weekly activity that is tailored to your schedule. Decide the best time for you and your children to turn off the electronics. A time between meals and other more active hobbies such as sports or the arts. Name that time and give it an actual duration. For example, deciding to name your reading time “Read Time With Daddy ” and giving it about 10 minutes a day or 10 minutes a week. Make space for reading time and work together to decorate it using pillows, comfy chairs, and other items that may resemble a creative reading nook. Try to make this time as consistent as possible to encourage a routine.
Find books your child is interested in by letting them pick them out. Today books are everywhere and easily accessible digitally. My children, however, love the opportunity to go into a store or library where they can take their time and pick out a book of their choice. I try to encourage getting at least one fiction and one non-fiction book. There is also an opportunity to see what topic your child is learning in school and attempt to expand on their learning by finding books that give more information. For example, if your child is learning about women's history month in school have them name a woman in history they may want to know more about.
Read with vigor and excitement or whatever personality the characters call for. It wasn’t until 6th grade that I learned books are clearly meant to be read as if I’m there...right in the midst of the adventure. Shout out to my 6th grade English teacher Mr. McNally! I took that spirit with me into many jobs to come when reading to children and it worked! Model how to enjoy the book. Have different voices for each character. Make up noises for the sounds and effects resembled in the book. Or for a great time have your child/children act out the story while you are telling it.
Help your child with comprehension throughout the story by asking questions. Even as an adult I can get lost in all the information gathered while I’m reading. It helps to have a brief discussion to break the book down and understand the characters along with their development. Discuss the actions of the characters along with the events going on and why those actions matter to the reader.
I honestly hope these four tips are helpful to anyone who needs them. Also, make sure to look to your local libraries for additional assistance and events they are hosting. As always thank you for visiting my webpage and blog!